Our beliefs

‘cuz everyone needs a hill to die on

We’re an ideologically diverse team, and strive to cultivate a diverse community… but we have four non-negotiable beliefs we try to be transparent about.

Belief #1: To adulthood

We help kids become adults

We believe in helping raise mature adults. The point of childhood is to explore, which can sometimes mean difficult conversations and unsettling ideas. We don’t talk down to kids.

Belief #2: Acceptance

We value every student

We want every student to feel valued and loved. Because of this, we won’t allow any kid to be mocked for who they are, or for what they believe.

Belief #3: Big inclusivity

We practice big inclusivity

We do what we can to make our classes feel comfortable for all sorts of families.

Is your family rural or urban?
Are you Asian, Black, Indigenous, Latino, or White?
Are you conservative, progressive, or radical?
Are folks in your family bisexual, gay, or straight?
Are they cis, non-binary, or trans?
Are you religious or secular?

Whatever you are, we want to do what we can to make Science is WEIRD a place you’re comfortable.

Inclusivity this big can be hard, and we can’t promise we won’t make mistakes — but we promise we’ll try to learn from them.

Belief #4: Flourishing

We’re pro-flourishing

We stand on the side of flourishing — for kids, for families, for humanity as a whole, and for the whole biosphere. How to achieve this can be complex, but this is what guides our approach to controversial topics.

And now that you like us…

…you might like to read the reasons people legitimately might hate us!