Humanities seminars

Coming… someday

Once upon a time, we thought we were going to try our hand at running humanities classes once again.

Then life exploded, and our plans got… a little bigger.

If you’re interested in how humanities can be taught in a Science is WEIRD way (really, we’re just stealing from Kieran Egan!), you might enjoy Brandon’s substack, “The Lost Tools of Learning”.

There, he’s congealing a community of people looking to make Egan’s dream a reality across the school subjects.

But hey, maybe you’d like to see this

Pretend this is frozen in amber!

Oof are we looking forward to teaching these again! When? Our guess is that we’ll start in the fall of 2024.

These will be intensive humanities seminars for high schoolers — kids 14 and up.

In them, you’ll learn to what it means to really read a book — how to understand everything an author is saying, and make the book part of you. (If you can do this, you can succeed at any college humanities and social science class.)

You’ll also wrestle with some of the most important questions humans have ever asked… and hear some powerful (and contradictory) answers.


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